Pengarah 'Avengers: Endgame' Pertahankan Kematian Watak [SPOILER ALERT]

Pengarah filem Avengers: Endgame, Russo Brothers mempertahankan tindakan mereka untuk mematikan watak Black Widow yang mana menjadi antara babak yang kontroversi di dalam filem ini. Perkara itu didedahkan dalam satu temubual bersama LA Times yang mana membincangkan tentang filem tersebut.

We [thought] very specifically about what was the most satisfying ending for all of the main Avengers. And for Black Widow, she started as a villain. Basically through the films she finds mercy from Hawkeye, who has an opportunity to kill her and doesn’t. And then she gets a second chance, performing as a hero and becoming part of the Avengers. And now that she’s found a family like that, she wants to do what she can to serve that. That was pretty much her arc.
Ramai juga menyatakan kematian Black Widow untuk memotivasikan Hawkeye ialah satu tindakan yang sangat tidak patut. Namun, Anthony Russo menyatakan bahawa tindakan Black Widow untuk menyelamatkan keluarga Hawkeye ialah tindakan yang sukar bagi seseorang terutamanya Black Widow untuk membuat keputusan.
And when she’s put in a life-or-death situation, it’s Black Widow versus Hawkeye. One of them has to die for the soul stone. And even though he’s feeling bad about what he’s become since his family was dusted, he still has the hope in his heart somewhere that he can see them again. And I think that complicates his motivation in that conflict, and she ends up prevailing — she wins. So even though she dies, there’s a nobility and a victory in her death, and we think there’s a hopefulness in that as well.
Joe Russo pula menyatakan bahawa kematian Black Widow ialah tidakan yang wajib dipuji dan bukannya dianggap sebagai satu tragedi.
Death shouldn’t always be perceived as a bad thing. When people die to save other people, it is a noble thing and hopeful and heroic and perhaps the best outcome for a character possible.
Apapun hakikatnya, perjalanan Black Widow di dalam filem Marvel Cinematic Universe sudah pun terhenti. Apapun, korang mungkin boleh tonton watak itu beraksi lagi dalam filem solonya yang akan terbit pada tahun hadapan. 

Avengers: Endgame kini di pawagam.  


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